Hout Bay Recycling Co-op

  • Technology › Waste recycling and composting
  • Project developer › Thrive Hout Bay/ PACE

Project Description

A social enterprise started by Thrive Hout Bay saw residents of Imizamo Yethu township in Hout Bay begin recycling in 2009. To date the project has prevented more than 2 600 tons of waste from going to landfill where it would have turned to methane and CO2 (2 500 tCO2 equivalent) and placed further stresses on Cape Town’s solid waste resources, land and water. By sorting and selling the recycled waste the project has created employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for residents of Hout Bay.

In 2012 we were able to pay the HBRC project R164,976 (R100/tCO2) for their credits. This is what the project director had to say:

Thank you so very much for the payment. You and your team made us bigger and grown in minutes. For now I have no words to express my happiness. It was like a story when I first here about this carbon credit thing. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH to every body who worked so hard to make this happened.

Project Idea Note

A Project Idea Note (PIN) was drawn up to formalise the project scope with regards to carbon credits. 


To download the September 2022 project audit report click on the link: HBRC 2019-2022 GHG Verification Report – Final V1.0

To download the September 2019 project audit report click on the link:
HBRC 2017-2019 GHG Verification Report – Final

To download the 24 August 2017 project audit report click on the link:
Hout Bay Recycling Co-op 2014-17 Verification Report – Final

To download the 26 September 2014 project audit report, click here

To download the 20th May 2013 project audit report, click here

To download the 24th May 2012 project audit report, click here

Sorting at Hout Bay Recycling Coop
Total Audited Credits: 4 611
Total Credits Sold: 4 611
All Carbon Credits have been sold.