Namib Mills

Project Description

The Namib Mills Investment Group solar emission reduction project involves the construction and operation of three solar plants. Of these plants, one will sell energy back to the grid, while the other two are for own use only. The plants include a 2,850 kW grid connected solar PV plant and two 500kW grid-tied plants, and all will use monocrystalline silicon panels.

The energy displaced is energy distributed by Nampower, the government owned power utility. This means that all the energy that is exported to the grid will displace energy which is currently produced using a high intensity fossil fuel mix.

The new solar installation makes the most of the fact that Namibia has among the highest number of sunlight hours per year of anywhere in the world.

The legal right to operate the three solar plants belong to Namib Mills. The project is not included in any other emissions trading program, and is not receiving any other kind of environmental credit for the program, including renewable energy certificates (RECs).

Solar Plants

Solar PlantSolar Array Size
NPI Solar PV plant, WindhoekThe NPI Solar PV plant consists of 5,880 x 525W Jinko Bi-Facial monocrystalline
panels which will have an nameplate capacity of 2,850kW
The clean energy produced by the plant can be used to displace energy that was
previously supplied by the grid, which has an emissions factor of 0.9tCO2/MW.
Windhoek Solar Plant> 2500 kWh/m2The
solar plant directly supplies power to the NMI Group operations, and utilises 10
inverters (off Sunny trip power STP50-40).
Otavi Solar PlantThe installation is a 500kWp grid-tied PV system working in tandem with a 105kWp PV diesel hybrid system in Otavi.The solar plant directly
supplies power to the Namib Mills Investment Group’s operations, and utilises 10
inverters (off Sunny trip power STP50-40).

Project Benefits

As well as reducing GHG emissions, the Namib Mills Investment Group Solar Emission Reduction Project contributes to various SDG goals, and helps improve the security and autonomy of Namibia’s energy supply.

The majority of electricity used in Namibia is imported, either from the South Africa power company Eskom, or from the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP). 

The government of Namibia has a publicly stated goal of 70% renewables share in its energy mix by 2030. Solar plants like the NPI Solar PV Plant contribute towards this goal, as well as reducing the dependence of Namibia on outside sources of energy such as Eskom and SAPP.

In addition to the 10 jobs that have been created at the site, Namib Mills have pledged to donate 50% of the revenue generated from the sale of carbon reduction credits to the various corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects that the company already supports. In addition to this carbon revenue, Namib Mills have pledged to donate a total of NAD 6 Million during the first accrediting period which may escalate in future accrediting periods. Namib Mills has an extensive list of CSR initiatives that it supports, both through direct financial contribution and through food donation programmes.

Contribution to SDG goals

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
The Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reduction project
contributes to SDG target 7.2 by increasing the share of
renewable energy in the global energy mix.
SDG 8: Decent Work and economic growth
Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reductions project
contributes to SDG target 8.4 by helping to decouple economic
growth from environmental degradation.
SDG 9SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reduction project
contributes to SDG target 9.4 by contributing to greater
adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and
industrial processes.
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
The Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reductions project
contributes to SDG target 11.6 by reducing the adverse per
capita environmental impact of cities.
SDG 12SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
The Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reduction project
contributes to SDG target 12.2 by increasing the sustainable
management and efficient use of natural resources.
SDG 13SDG 13: Climate Action
The Namib Mills Investment Group emissions reduction project
contributes to SDG target 13.2.2 by reducing total greenhouse
gas emissions.

Project Idea Note

A Project Idea Note (PIN) was drawn up to formalise the project scope with regards to carbon credits. 

Total Audited Credits: 5 665
Total Credits Sold: 359
5 306 Credits available
1 Carbon Credit = 1 Tonne CO2 Offset