ReCarbon Hermanus

  • Technology › Avoidance of methane production from biomass decay through composting
  • Project developer › Recarbon Ground Trading

Project Description

The ReCarbon Hermanus project entails diverting municipal green waste (plant residues, garden waste, park waste) from landfills in the Overstrand Municipality (Hermanus) Western Cape. The diverted green waste is composted using a bespoke technology. The project plays its part in tackling soil degradation and loss of agricultural productivity, greenhouse gas emissions, water security and drought resilient agriculture and the build-up of material in landfill sites. It also creates valuable local work for people in the circular, green economy. ReCarbon’s composted product is organically certified annually and used in a range of environmentally sustainable agricultural and gardening activities.

ReCarbon is the project developer and legal owner of any carbon credits generated by the project, as described in the Registration Agreement between ReCarbon and Credible Carbon (Pty) Ltd.

The composted material is collected from Green Waste Transfer Stations (GWTS) drop off sites and diverted from landfill where it would have decayed anaerobically leading to emissions of  methane and carbon dioxide. production from biomass decay.

Addressing climate and poverty simultaneously

The ReCarbon Hermanus project  chooses charities and social projects based on the needs of the communities. Revenue from the project’s carbon transactions is spent on a variety of social development projects in the Western Cape. The majority of our donations include donating compost produced by the project to gardening communities and therefore promoting local and urban farming in the local communities.

Emission Reduction Methodologies involved

The ReCarbon Carbon Project applies the logic of AMS III.F v. 5 (CDM) Avoidance of methane production from biomass decay through composting.

Under this methodology, the emissions reduction achieved by the project is measured as the difference between the baseline emission and the sum of the project emission and leakage.

Base case emissions are calculated taking into account the amount of processed material that would have been transferred to a landfill site. Project case emissions are generated by the transportation of input and output materials as well as electricity and fuel consumption on site and leakage, if applicable.

Project Idea Note

A Project Idea Note (PIN) was drawn up to formalise the project scope with regards to carbon credits. 


The project’s first audit  for the period November 2018 to March 2021 was completed in April 2021:
Recarbon Ground Trading Overstrand Composting 2018-21 Verification Report – Final

Total Audited Credits: 30 209
Total Credits Sold: 30 209
All Carbon Credits have been sold.