The Wildlands Conservation Trust (WCT) assists local communities and local governments in realising the virtuous cycles between human and ecological well-‐being. One of the ways in which they do this is by enabling the establishment of local recycling operations, focused around community based “waste-preneurs”, schools and local businesses in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. These Waste- preneurs, Schools and Businesses collect recycling on behalf of the Trust who then contracts Wildlands Green-preneurs (Pty) Ltd, a social enterprise established by the Trust, to collect, process and trade the recycling.
The project involves the establishment of over 100 collection depots (each individually named in waste collection records) since 2010 for household and commercial waste. Waste is collected at these depots before being transported directly to market or to centralised recycling processing areas , where it is manually sorted before being sold into the recycling market.
These estimates will be revised by successive audits.
Local Benefits
Local households, restaurants, and commercial ventures reducing their quantity of waste to landfill.
An increase in recycling.
An increase in the reuse of materials (rather than to landfill or recycling).
Work creation for poor unemployed people.
Income through the on-sale of recycling.
Sustainable job and enterprise creation through waste and recycling management companies.
A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Setting a replicable precedent for community-scale dry and wet waste recycling and management solutions.
Estimates of carbon savings are based on the principles contained in the approved CDM-Executive Board methodology for recovery and recycling of materials from solid waste: AMS-3-AJ, including an informal waste sector, a recycling facility and a processing and manufacturing facility.
The quantum of GHG avoided through the specific recycling method is estimated by applying DEFRA conversion factors. Recycling can avoid GHG emissions in two ways. Recycling material often requires less energy than manufacturing an equivalent amount of virgin material, and hence reduces greenhouse gas emissions. For example, production of plastic from crude oil requires extraction, long-distance transport, and extensive chemical processing, while recycling only involves sorting, often less transport, and remelting. In addition to these savings, the decomposition of paper and cardboard in landfill emits methane, a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and so recycling these materials also reduces landfill emissions.
Project Idea Note
A Project Idea Note (PIN) was drawn up to formalise the project scope with regards to carbon credits.
The first Wildlands Conservation Trust audit on behalf of Credible Carbon was done by KPMG for the period 2012 to 2014. This audit showed that the Wildlands Conservation Trust project had delivered 10 457 tonnes CO2.
To download the Wildlands Trust audit of May, 2015, click here.
Total Audited Credits: 10 457
Total Credits Sold: 10 457